We had the first gathering of our Composition Department here at UNC School of the Arts yesterday. Twenty-two of us in the room, ready to get started, full of aspirations and enthusiasm. We went around the room introducing ourselves, and saying a word or two about what we had been working on over the summer. As I heard the wide range of answers (MAX-MSP, cello concerto, songs with banjo), I couldn’t help feeling like this is an amazing time to be making music. The options are so varied, so many paths are acceptable and celebrated.
Being in a roomful of people who want to make things out of sound – not sure why, but it never fails to energize me.
…and your gathering extends around the world, of course, including here in Los Angeles. Here is what I completed work on this summer. http://www.azuremilesrecords.com/Rajasthani_Spring.html