“Save the Corcoran” group’s logo photo
[More on the Corcoran uproar, here.]
In a prudent attempt to seize momentum from angry activists, the Corcoran Gallery and College have just issued a press release announcing a series of its own community meetings, “at which the public may hear directly from leaders including Fred Bollerer, director and president, about the current state of planning for the institution’s future. Participants will also have the opportunity to express their own views about viable options to pursue.”
The first such conclave is scheduled for this Thursday, 6:30 p.m., in the Corcoran’s Mantel Room. Registration, which is encouraged, can be accomplished here.
The top contact person on today’s press release is Mimi Carter, who has apparently replaced the departing Kristin Guiter as vice president for communications and marketing.
Meanwhile, the ad hoc Save the Corcoran group has scheduled its own second community meeting at 6 p.m., June 20, at the Warehouse Theater,
1017 7th St. NW, Washington. It is soliciting “ideas, solutions, suggestions” at savethecorcoran@gmail.com.