My e-mail inbox tells me that getting your exhibitions (or other art-related announcements) on CultureGrrl is the goal of many readers. But few of you will make it to the end zone: Although I’m swarmed by by galleries seeking publicity, you should know (if you read me) that I cover almost no gallery exhibitions and I generally review museum shows only if I deem them highly important and/or I’ve got something unique to say about them.
So take a page from the New Orleans Saints’ third-quarter playbook: Try a different strategy.
As I write this (during a break in the Super Bowl action), there is an animated, color ad from a museum in my righthand column and a classified ad in my middle column from a dealers’ association. Instead of waiting for me complete their pass, they’ve taken the ball themselves and run it down the field.
In the meantime, I HAVE caught a pass from CultureGrrl Repeat Donor 111 from Princeton, NJ. Many thanks.
In the words of a couple of half-time entertainers: “Who Are You?” Let me and my readers know through CultureGrrl Classifieds or AJ Ads. Be like the Saints: Surprise me.
Wait a minute! The game’s not over yet. Gotta go.
UPDATE: The Saints’ strategy worked! But my donor strategy isn’t: There’s one address on my Donor’s ($50 and up) list that is causing me to get an error message when I try to send links to my posts to everyone on that list. I don’t know which one it is, so if someone’s e-mail has changed, please tell me. As of now, I’m getting a message saying, “Domain of recipient doesn’t resolve.” This doesn’t happen with my “Subscribers” list (under $50).
Meanwhile, if you’re one of my valued Donors, please check the blog itself for new posts, until I can get this issue resolved.