Will someone please tell the Senate Rules and Administration Committee to update its Witness List for the Apr. 11 Smithsonian Oversight Hearing? A certain Lawrence Small is listed as lead-off speaker.
And while we’re making corrections, please tell the NY Times that when they report in an article datelined March 29 that the Smithsonian hearing will occur “next Wednesday,” that would appear to mean Apr. 4, today. (It must have been an editor’s last-minute update that changed the reference to “next Wednesday,” meaning Apr. 11.)
This confusion was caused by the newspaper’s having inexplicably held up publication of Robin Pogrebin‘s piece on the Smithsonian situation until six days past its filing date. (Modern Art Notes today flags a flagrant error in the Times story.)
Compared to the Washington Post‘s up-to-the-minute coverage, Pogrebin’s delayed piece reads like old news.