Fame. Of a sort.

book/daddy heard this song the other day on the radio, a parody of Nena's old 1983 pop novelty number, "99 Luftballoon." It's called "99 Words for Boobs." The lyrics are pretty much as the title indicates, although the leering persistence and inventiveness involved are, um, impressive (MREs -- the Army's "meals ready to eat"?). What nearly caused book/daddy to brake to a halt on the freeway, though, was amid the happy listing of "double whoppers" and "traffic stoppers," we get this sequence: "Pillows, billows -- Don DeLillos."

Obviously, the songwriter needed the rhyme (although he also had "armadilloes" still to come in the next verse). But still-o. You don't hear Cormac McCarthy getting referenced in a fetishist's pop fantasy.

March 1, 2008 9:41 PM |



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