A smart person like you, you've probably noticed ...

... Thanksgiving is upon us, and the holiday turkeys, like the one pictured, have arrived.

You'll also have noticed that book/daddy's blogging has declined somewhat. It will decline further because I'm going to visit my parents next week. Soooo, for the next week and a half or so -- maybe longer given all of the cheerful predictions about America's crackerjack air travel system -- postings will be light. And book/daddy's readership will probably decline into the negative digits.

Other than that -- Happy Thanksgiving! Have some turkey, although I would not recommend the one pictured here. And may whatever professional athletic team you are rooting for tomorrow -- the one with the brightly colored outfits, the exuberant dance moves in the endzone, the ongoing scandals and the billionaire owner who screwed your town to get his stadium built -- whoever they are, may they be victorious. Or at least, not more embarrassing than they already are.

November 21, 2007 3:15 PM |



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Thrillers and Lists:  

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This page contains a single entry by book/daddy published on November 21, 2007 3:15 PM.

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