Wait, it's Monday again, already?

  • He's entertained and enlightened me more than most websites I've had to pay for. Except the one with the midget donkey mud wrestling.

    Back in late July, Phil Nugent had to shut down his sharp, funny website, the Phil Nugent Experience, until he got his computer upgraded. book/daddy jokingly suggested that Nugent was out dancing for nickels, and I demanded to know why someone hadn't thought of passing the hat to prevent such a loss.

    Then the Experience came back online last month and all was aces.

    But "oh my prophetic soul," to quote Hamlet. Or maybe it was "me and my big mouth." In any event, the finances have gotten bad enough, Nugent has put up a donation link. You can help out via PayPal.

    I just did. And I'm unemployed. Or freelancing. Same diff.

  • A friend in Anchorage reports:

    "The Anchorage Daily News has eliminated the positions of Books and Food editors and sent that longtime staffer to the equivalent of McKinney [a small town north of Dallas] as a G.A. reporter.

    This week's only mention of books is a single column announcing self-published books by Alaska writers. No national coverage of any sort."

    It's hard to confirm this from the Daily News website -- because at the moment, there's precious little about books, period.

  • Follow the logic. The value of a college degree has shot up the past 27 years. In 1980, people with college degrees earned 50 percent more than those with high school degrees. Today, it's more than 100 percent.

    But the college grad/higher earners also pay more taxes. Ergo, George Will says, conservatives are right when they argue that taxes are discouraging people from sending their kids to college.

    Says Andrew Price: You are fucking kidding me.

  • And if you plan on curing your Monday blues chemically, there's this: The quality of cocaine sucks these days, yet it costs significantly more.

    As Baudelaire complained of hash: "It gives with one hand and takes away with the other." So ... given the curent market, fewer of us, it turns out, are testing positive these days.

  • October 7, 2007 10:11 PM |



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