"Our two main weapons are fear, surprise and -- Our THREE main weapons are ..."

In The Guardian, Ian Pindar reviews Toby Green's Inquisition: The Reign of Fear, and unlike book/daddy, never once refers to Monty Python, being a much more serious critic:
"In 1506 a miraculous light was seen on one of the crucifixes in a Dominican monastery in Portugal. Crowds gathered to marvel at it, but when one man suggested it looked a bit as if a candle had been placed behind the image of Christ he was dragged into the street by his hair, beaten, kicked and burnt by an angry mob. He was a converso, a descendant of Jews who had converted to Christianity, and as Toby Green explains in this powerful study of intolerance, the conversos were the first group to be scapegoated by the Spanish and Portuguese Inquisitions."

August 26, 2007 12:00 PM |



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This page contains a single entry by book/daddy published on August 26, 2007 12:00 PM.

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