"You don't know me! I can do what I want!"

There are two scholarly books on South Park:Blame Canada! South Park and Contemporary Culture, which at least has a good title, and South Park and Philosophy: You Know, I learned Something Today, which does not. Not surprisingly, perhaps, both books, at least according to Eric Griffiths in the New Statesman, are ripe for precisely the kind of happy, foul-mouthed mockery at which South Park excels: "Philosophy, even when taught as badly as this, is a recognisable discipline; we know more or less what to complain about when it doesn't do what it says on the label. Media and cultural studies, on the other hand, is a mindless agglomerate, like the Portuguese man-o'-war, with tentacles spiralling off in all directions, propelled by the action of wind on the bag of inert gas at its centre."

June 24, 2007 1:03 PM |



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