All hail LitMinds!

My long-winded, sorry, long-awaited interview with the LitMinds website is up, their website is immeasurably improved by it -- can't you just feel the kilobytes crackling this morning? -- and Scott McLemee has kindly plugged it already, and I hail Mr. McLemee in my interview answers.

So all is good and the links are functioning in Happy Internet-cestuous Land.

The cool thing, though -- for me, anyway, and isn't that what's important here? -- is the new portrait of me that runs with the interview. Photo by my daughter, photoshop by book/daddy. It now graces the upper right corner of the book/daddy site.

And a further indication that the book/daddy life is good, indeed -- if a little slow: GalleyCat reports that someone, a bit late, has nominated me for its list of "litcrit hotties."

Thanks, Mom!

April 11, 2007 8:08 AM | | Comments (2)



Something should ALWAYS come of mocking Charlie Rose.

I like the idea of a mock Charlie Rose book show.... hope something comes of it!


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About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by book/daddy published on April 11, 2007 8:08 AM.

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