I shared the news last week that I’m joining the faculty at American University in the fall, and leaving the wonderful students, faculty, staff, and alumni family here in Wisconsin. And while I’m truly sad to leave the Bolz Center for Arts Administration and the Wisconsin School of Business, I’m excited to see what’s next for the program under new leadership.
Serving as Director for this extraordinary MBA degree program and learning center has been an honor and a joy. More than that, the work and the workplace transformed me in powerful and positive ways. Now it’s time for someone ELSE to transform this place, and be transformed by it. Perhaps that someone could be you.
You’ll now find posted online the position description for the next Director of the Bolz Center for Arts Administration, with an application deadline of May 17. If you’re passionate about arts and cultural management and leadership. If you’re able not only to do the work, but teach the work to brilliant business-focused professionals. If you bring a vital network of cultural professionals and can plug into an existing global network quickly and effectively. If you want to discover, design, and develop next practice for our field. Consider this job.
I’m deeply proud of what I’ve accomplished here with the partnership and support of a world of wonderful people. But there’s more to do. Come do it.
Congratulations Andrew. I share the sentiments expressed by your other fans. You are the best kind of provocateur: thoughtful, careful, imaginative, creative, and deeply deeply smart. I look forward to the new ideas you’ll be bringing to all arts workers in your next chapter.