It was 10 years ago today that I posted the very first entry in ‘The Artful Manager’ blog. Doug McLennan, founder and editor of, had been interested in adding new content and perspectives to his news aggregation site. I had been looking for a way to publish more current conversation on the business of art — not delayed by publishing process or filtered by editor oversight.
Doug and I had corresponded since he launched ArtsJournal. And together we decided that I would be among the first batch of bloggers he added to the site. I described the impulse for writing about the business of arts and culture:
The world doesn’t work the way we thought it did, the way our common knowledge thinks it should, or the way our training prepared us for. Either the world is broken, or our eyes and brains aren’t seeing it right. One, I suggest, is easier to fix.
This blog will explore the idea that there’s another way to see the creation, support, delivery, engagement, and advancement of nonprofit arts and culture. I won’t claim to know what it is, just that I’m looking.
More than 1200 posts later, I am deeply grateful for the platform and the opportunity to post whatever I want, whenever I want, in short form or long form or hyperlinks. And I am even more grateful for the world of conversation this blog has opened up to me. I’ve met extraordinary people — online and in person — and learned so much from the comments and connections. Thanks to all who have shared their voice, encouragement, critique, and correction to the mix.
I do not get paid for writing this blog. But the compensation has been immeasurable.
I know that I’ve yet to find a new rhythm for my posts, since my transition to the faculty of American University and the new challenges of my evolving career. But I’ll keep posting. If you keep reading, I’ll be grateful. If you don’t, that’s cool too.
Happy anniversary, dear Artful Manager. May we have many more to come.
10 years! Wow! I remember writing a similar note on your 3 year anniversary. I know I speak for many when i say thanks for the mind-benders, and please keep writing!
Congratulations from a loyal reader.
Congratulations Andrew!!
Andrew, you’ve brought hugely valuable perspective to our shared universe and become the defining element of Friday morning. Rock steady for ten years (including a major change of scenery) is nothing to be taken for granted – thanks for all you do.
Quite an accomplishment, congratulations, and I look forward to reading on…
Congratulations and THANK YOU. Your posts have been an anchor through my emerging career.
Congratulations Andrew. Looking forward to your next ten years of posts. THANK YOU
Congratulations on ten years Andrew! Thank you for bringing us all along on your explorations.
Oh and I’m so very glad you are continuing! I remember reading something by Wendy Wasserstein right after 911. She and so many others were stunned and stupefied. What next? And then she came upon a dance class — doing what they do. And she realized what they do, what art and artists always do is “to continue.” And that gave the place to renew. God bless.
Congratulations on a very interesting blog with information that is relevant and insightful. Here’s to the next 10 years