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Monday, December 6, 2004

Uncluttered, unmuddled, unearthed

Americans for the Arts has always been a vast resource for data, research, publications, and especially advocacy materials for the arts. Now they've finally reconceived their web site so that people can actually get to that material. Chief among the newly organized goodies are:

  • The Arts Education Online Resource Center has stats and resources for anyone hoping to assess and improve their local school district's efforts in the arts.
  • The Youth Arts Toolkit supports and explores arts-related programming for at-risk youth.
  • 2004 Election Impact on the Arts provides an assessment of the candidates and election initiatives across the country, and their possible effect on arts activity (available for PDF download)
They are still working out the kinks of the new web site, so it's not quite a completely clear and consistent resource for the arts yet. But it's a thousand miles better and more useful than it was before, making it manna from heaven for data- and information-starved arts managers everywhere.

posted on Monday, December 6, 2004 | permalink