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Stay on
top of the Arts World Each
day ArtsJournal editors scan thousands of stories about the arts from some 200
newspapers, magazines and e-publications for posting on ArtsJournal. Every
Monday we publish our ArtsBeat newsletters and send them directly to your e-mailbox.
ArtsBeat is the ideal way to keep up with what's going on in the arts world.
offer two versions of the newsletter:
Version Our
traditional version - includes short summaries of the week's top arts stories
in music, visual arts, publishing, theatre, media and dance. Summaries do not
include links to actual stories, but the stories can be accessed by visiting the
newsletter page on the Arts Journal site.
subscribe, send an e-mail to artsbeat@Artsjournal.com
and write "free subscribe" and your
e-mail address in the subject line. To get off the mailing list,
send an e-mail to the same address and write "unsubscribe"
plus your e-mail address in the subject line.
Version ($28 for 52 weeks)
Our new premium service, in response to subscriber requests. Consider supporting
Arts Journal with a premium subscription to the weekly newsletter. The
Premium Version comes in two forms - Premium
Top Arts Stories A premium subscription features summaries of the week's top arts
stories, but also includes embedded links direct to all stories.
Topic Newsletter: While the Top Arts Stories newsletter features story highlights
from the previous week, now you can get every story we post that week from the
artform you care most about (only about half the stories we collect for the daily
website edition makes it into the Top Arts Stories newsletter). If you prefer
to get all the stories we collect in an artform, this is the option for you.
Specify music, visual art, publishing, media, dance, or theatre, and we'll
send you every story we collected on that topic that week and bundle it with all
of our Arts Issues stories. Links directly to the stories are included in the
Premium Version is $28 for
a one-year subscription - less than 54 cents a week to have the the
arts world delivered directly to you every week. HOW
TO SUBSCRIBE There are four ways to subscribe to the Premium
Version. We accept Visa and MasterCard or checks.
- PayPal's Secure Credit Card service (just click
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Write "Premium subscribe" in the subject
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the ArtsBeat Newsletter Each day Arts Journal combs through more
than 200 English-language newspapers, magazines and publications featuring writing
about arts and culture.
Links to the most interesting or important stories are posted every weekday on
the Arts Journal news pages. Arts Beat is an annotated summary of the best of
those stories, plus a report on trends and issues being written about in the arts
press. HOME
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